Namespace Kitab\Compiler

The compiler is composed of 3 parts:

  1. A parser,
  2. An intermediate representation,
  3. Targets.

Stream compiler

In order to fast handle large projects to document, Kitab compiler has been designed to work as a stream. Objects in memory are freed as soon as possible, they are not accumulated. The same memory space can be reused for each file being compiled. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. The finder provides the inputs to the compiler: This is an iterator, where each item is a PHP file,
  2. The parser… parses each file, and are transformed into an intermediate representation,
  3. The intermediate representation is compiled into partial objects by the target,
  4. Some data (e.g. symbols) are copied in the linker,
  5. Once these is no more inputs, the target ends by assembling all the partial objects thanks to the linker.

The amount of memory used by this workflow is almost linear in time. This design imposes some limitations, but we are not here yet.


The parser is responsible to analyse each PHP file. The PHP-Parser project is used to achieve this goal. All the difficult job is handled by this project. The result of a parsing is an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), that will be transformed into an Intermediate Representation (IR).

Intermediate Representation

Because Kitab does not need to keep the whole AST in memory, it is transformed into a lower Intermediate Representation (IR). The IR is a set of simple structures. It ensures a light and simple API for the targets, decoupled from the PHP-Parser AST API.

The root of IR is the Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation\Into class. It acts as a visitor to traverse the AST.


Kitab can compile to many targets. So far, it has two targets: HTML and DocTest, respectively to render the documentation into HTML, and to test it.

All targets must implement the Kitab\Compiler\Target\Target interface. It requires few basic methods. It's up to the implementer to ensure the correct behavior of the target.

