Class Kitab\Compiler\Target\DocTest\Configuration

class Configuration extends Kitab\Configuration

Configuration structure for the DocTest target.

This structure contains all the configuration items used by the DocTest target of Kitab. It extends the default Kitab configuration structure.


$configuration                      = new Kitab\Compiler\Target\DocTest\Configuration();
$configuration->concurrentProcesses = 2;

assert(2 === $configuration->concurrentProcesses);


public $autoloaderFile = null;

Path to the autoloader file.

Tests are likely to require an autoloader to load entities, like classes. If Composer is used as a dependency manager, then the autoloader file should be vendor/autoload.php.

public $concurrentProcesses = 4;

Maximum concurrent processes that can be used to run the tests.

public $bypassCache = false;

Bypass the compilation cache.

If true, the compiler will compile test suites like it is for the first time.

public $codeBlockHandlerNames = [\Kitab\Compiler\Target\DocTest\CodeBlockHandler\Php::class];

Code block handler names.

List of code block handler class names. All the listed classes must implement the Kitab\Compiler\Target\DocTest\CodeBlockHandler\Definition interface. A handler is responsible to compile a code block content into a test case body. If you write your own code block handlers, it is the correct place to declare them.

The code block handler for php code block type is already declared.

public $atoumConfigurationFile = null;

atoum configuration file.

Kitab uses atoum to execute tests. Kitab comes with a default atoum configuration file, but it is possible to add another one that will be executed just after with the same context (variables & co.). It is useful to add specific atoum extensions for instance.