Class Kitab\Compiler\Target\Html\Configuration

class Configuration extends Kitab\Configuration

Configuration structure for the HTML target.

This structure contains all the configuration items used by the HTML target of Kitab. It extends the default Kitab configuration structure.


$configuration              = new Kitab\Compiler\Target\Html\Configuration();
$configuration->projectName = 'Kitab';

assert('Kitab' === $configuration->projectName);


public $defaultNamespace = null;

The default namespace of the project currently documented.

A project can contain several namespaces, either because it hosts many, or because of the dependencies. The default namespace is the entry point of the documentation. If a default namespace is provided, when the user will open the documentation, she will be automatically redirected to the default namespace.

public $logoURL = '';

URL to the logo of the documentation.

Each page contains a logo, representing a link to the “home”. It is possible to customise the logo by using this configuration item. By default, a placeholder is used.

public $projectName = '(unknown)';

Project name.

This configuration item represents the name of the project being documented.

public $composerFile = null;

Composer file.

Use a specific Composer file to get PSR-4 mappings.

public $viewSourceLinkFormatter = null;

View-source link formatter.

A closure taking an entity (Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation\Entity) as input, and computing a relative or absolute URL as output. If null, a default formatter will be used.


The following example creates links to view source on a Github repository:

define('GITHUB_BLOB', '');

$configuration = new Kitab\Compiler\Target\Html\Configuration();
$configuration->viewSourceLinkFormatter = function (Kitab\Compiler\IntermediateRepresentation\Entity $entity): string {
    return GITHUB_BLOB . $entity->file->name . '#L' . $entity->lineStart;